Staff members celebrate the launch of new patient management software via Zoom.
New TrackVia system easily customized to our needs
“We are live!” This is how September 1st started for the staff at Project Access Northwest. Party hats and plastic clappers in hand, the entire staff gathered via Zoom to celebrate what had been years in wanting and more than a year in planning — our new patient management software.
TrackVia is the exciting new platform that we have adopted at Project Access Northwest, and the staff couldn’t be more excited. A low-code/no-code product, the staff now has complete control of the design and implementation of the system. This will allow for greater efficiency, flexibility and innovation as we move forward.
In early 2019, executive director Gary Renville started looking at platforms that could serve the needs of our organization going forward. In partnership with the IT and Compliance committee, multiple products were reviewed, tested and considered. TrackVia was brought to our attention by another Project Access model organization in Portland, Oregon. By November 2019, we had our first meeting with the representatives of TrackVia and started to talk about moving to the system.
From the beginning, the meetings included leadership, staff and super-users of the current system so we could ensure that any product chosen would meet the needs of the entire organization. The goal was that everyone would feel “ownership” in the system. It was apparent early on that this system was going to be a great fit for the Project Access Northwest team.
Regular meetings with TrackVia started in January 2020, and a handful of Project Access Northwest staffers were identified to spearhead the project. The system would be built by care coordinator Juan Orr with help from another care coordinator, Joe Stover. Care Coordination manager Molly James would work closely with them on design, and senior program director Scott Shurtleff would oversee the project. The appeal of the low-code/no-code model is that we could build the system ourselves to precisely fit our needs.
Throughout 2020, despite the impacts of COVID-19, progress continued on the system with partnership meetings held weekly between Project Access Northwest and TrackVia. Additional meetings were held weekly with staff to refine the needs and look at what improvements could be made to current processes. Staff were enthusiastic participants, and the system truly reflects the needs and desires of everyone in the organization who touches it.
In August, we started transferring data from the old system into the new one, and we were able to roll over fully on September 1. The staff is thrilled to be in this new system, and everything is running as expected. We now look forward to building even more applications into this great software platform so that we can continue to evolve and grow.
“TrackVia was the right system at the right time for our organization,” said Gary Renville, executive director. “Our talented staff was able to take a terrific product and customize it specifically for our needs. We couldn’t be more pleased with the outcome.”
As we look toward 4th quarter, we are confident in the usability of this great new system, and we look forward to being more efficient, more flexible and more innovative for our patients and partners.